Meeting Invitation
Meeting Invitation

    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - If you're reading this story, that probably means you're a concerned parent who wouldn't dream of buying your 8-year-old the new "Battlefield 4" video game for the holidays, no matter how many hissy fits are thrown. But let's face it, you've also got a zillion other things on your mind right now -- how's that work deadline coming? -- and not every title is so obviously age-inappropriate.

    What to do?

    Well, first, remember the reason most kids enjoy playing video games is a positive one. "When kids are asked, in focus groups and surveys, what they like about video games, they generally talk about freedom, self-direction and competence," Peter Gray, a research professor at Boston College, wrote in Psychology Today. And second, know that you're not without helpful resources.

    Here's how to ensure you make a smart choice:

    * Check the box. Not only does each one include a letter on the front indicating the maturity level assigned by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) -- i.e., "EC" for early childhood, "E10+" for those 10 and over, and "T" for teen -- but the cover's flip side provides the basis for the grade. Meaning, if you're unsure whether a video game rated "E" for everyone (or even "M" for mature, 17 or older) is right for your child, content descriptors like "fantasy violence" could be the clincher.

    And while producers aren't required to submit games for review, retail partners of the ESRB like GameStop (www.gamestop.com) say they make a point of only carrying ESRB-rated games. "Each child has a unique personality, and we believe in helping parents protect younger players from overly mature content," says Jason Cochran, vice president of store operations and strategic initiatives at the company, which is the world's largest multichannel retailer of video games.

    * Understand the gaming lingo. You know that clueless feeling you get when your child drops gamer terms like "FPS" around the house? The website RespectTheRatings.com explains their meaning -- in this case, "first person shooter," signifying a game where the player sees the action through the eyes of its main character -- and also offers such other handy tips as the availability of built-in parental controls on consoles and handheld devices.

    * Ask the experts. About 73 percent of all video games are rated "E" through "T," and GameStop actually has "Game Advisors" in every store who can tell you which ones harness creativity ("Disney Infinity"), say, and which are delightful fantasies ("Angry Birds: Star Wars").

    One last tip: When in doubt, try the games in stores yourself.

    Ref: Gaming - in Blogs
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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - No matter who you are or what business you are in, you're vulnerable to a cyber attack. That's the unfortunate reality of the times we live in.

    Think you're immune? There are millions of cyberattacks in the United States every year, with big companies like Home Depot, Adobe Systems, Sony, Citigroup, Target, Facebook, Evernote and The New York Times taking the biggest hits and falling victim.

    And like Fortune 500 companies that seemingly have the resources to battle data breaches, small businesses are just as exposed, if not more so. According to a Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report more than 70 percent of the businesses in the study that were breached had fewer than 100 employees. Those breaches result in huge losses. Trend Micro found that "cybercriminals steal as much as $1 billion a year from SMBs in the United States and Europe, alone."

    Which begs the question: If both large and small companies and the U.S. government can be compromised (even with security protocols in place), then what does that mean for individuals?

    It's a question that Dr. Robert Short, chief technology officer and chief technical scientist of VirnetX, struggled with and finally answered in the form of Gabriel, a set of secure encrypted communication apps derived from a CIA-sponsored Department of Defense project.

    "The genesis of Gabriel really was trying to solve the problem of how you make security transparent to the user. The means to automatically create a secure connection whenever a secure connection is needed to wherever it is needed, and create it on demand," says Short. "That has always been the vision behind Gabriel."

    The difference between Gabriel and other products, says Short, is that users do not have to transmit data to or store data with any third party, including VirnetX. In this way, data is stored only on their own devices. Essentially, users maintain control of their own data.

    Gabriel users also have secure, encrypted (spamless) email, text messages, free voice and video calls and picture or file share with other trusted Gabriel users in their network -- all directly from their personal device.

    Gabriel runs on iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows and Mac OSX. For more information or to download Gabriel go to gabrielsecure.com, the App Store or the Google Play store.

    Ref: Datacenters - in Blogs
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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - Well, actually, it's both … the charm of hummingbirds is most certainly apropos and "a charm" of hummingbirds is actually factual! Yep, that's right, the collective noun for these unique creatures - just like a gaggle of geese or a flock of birds, is a charm of hummingbirds. Since the definition of the noun 'charm' is "the power of giving delight or arousing admiration," one doesn't need to be a wordsmith to see how right that is.

    Hummingbirds are charming.

    And there are over 330 varieties of the species, Trochilidae, which is their biological family name and they're found in the Western Hemisphere. When one sees a hummingbird, it's a stunning, stop-in-your-tracks sight. Their brilliant throat color is actually a result of the iridescence in the arrangement of their feathers, not color pigment. Light level, moisture, angle of viewing and other factors all influence just how bright and colorful their throats may appear. Perhaps you've heard them, too - the name hummingbird comes from the buzzing sound of their fast-flapping wings.

    Hummers are migrant birds, so although many stay close to the Equator, lots of varieties travel this time of year, so there may be a 'charm' coming to your backyard soon. If you have the desire to see one up close or are curious about how to attract them to your yard, the folks at Cole's Wild Bird Feed Co have got you covered. First, they figured out the engineering of an elegant, deceptively simple, easy-to-use (and easy-to-clean!) feeder. The patented Hummer High Rise has a clever design that offers a stress-free position for your charming guests to get their fill, a fantastic 360-degree vista, all the while keeping other unwanted creatures at bay.

    For example there's an ant moat that stops the armies of industrious workers who'd love to get some sweet nectar, from beating a path to the liquid food. The genius is, it's an actual moat, with nothing but H2O keeping the ants at bay, so while it does its job, it doesn't do harm. Nice!

    A charm magnet.

    The second definition for the noun 'charm' is a small ornament worn on a necklace or bracelet. Hummingbirds weigh on average the same as a nickel, so while you'll want to wear a replica from the jewelers, Hummers can be your own garden's jewelry all season long.

    And in return for their arousing your admiration, they'll feed on those annoying garden insects and pests. For their small size, hummers eat a lot. They are voracious eaters, feeding on mosquitos, gnats, spiders, aphids and other six-legged creepy crawlers. But, besides pests for protein, their primary 'food group' is nectar, which they get in by flitting from flower to flower and using their long beaks and equally long tongues to get their fill. All that flitting is exhausting!

    Since hummingbirds drink up to half their body weight a day of nectar you can help them out by keeping your High Rise fully stocked, for a one-stop fill of their favorite nectar treat.

    Let's not leave out the definition of the verb, "charm," which is to "delight greatly." If you want these Disney-esque caricatures to delight you on a regular basis with their wonder - and bring their distinctive song to your yard - there is something you can buy: the creme-de la creme of what these charmers crave: Nature's Garden from Cole's.

    By identifying and harnessing the nutrients of the hummer's favorite wildflowers, and tapping their vast store of wild bird knowhow, Cole's has created the next-best-thing to actual flower nectar - a proprietary formula that's far and away a cut above your 'garden-variety' sugar water. Nature's Garden is a healthy, all-natural alternative to homemade syrup, no mixing and no boiling required. It comes in an eco-friendly soft pouch; just shake and pour. You'll be delighted with how easy it is to keep your hummer feeder filled and overjoyed at seeing hummers frequent your yard. Your neighborhood hummingbirds will love it, so they'll keep coming back.

    A brief postscript: a natural predator to the hummingbird is the praying mantis. Despite their equally small size and saintly appearance, they feed on our fascinating feathered friends and are a real threat (and a protected species), so if you find a mantis hanging around your High Rise, take care to evict it gently, to a lower piece of real estate and keep hummers safe.

    Ref: Camping - in Blogs
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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - We live in an age of new mobility, where the landscape of our digital life is expanding and evolving at unprecedented speed. Wireless connectivity has spread from computers and smartphones to cars, homes and cities, and it's simplifying and improving our way of living.

    The rise of "smart" objects and machines powered by machine-to-machine (M2M) technology has been a huge catalyst for the Internet of Things -- a web of connected objects and devices that communicate with one another to make life easier. The automotive industry is leading the way forward with more than 23 million connected cars on the road today and projections for 152 million by 2020.

    Connected cars enhance our lives with rich services, including advanced 3D navigation, automatic emergency calling when accidents occur and always-on mobile WiFi. They can automatically exchange information with other smart objects, such as traffic lights, to help reduce road congestion and improve navigation. They can also direct drivers to the nearest open parking spot and turn on the heat and stereo system before arriving home.

    The possibilities are exciting and limited only by our ability to securely manage wireless service plans for the long life of vehicles and smart city solutions.

    Until recently, updating connected car systems was costly and time-consuming, requiring a visit to a dealership to change electronic components embedded under the dashboard. Consumers will soon be able to securely update wireless features and even add new vehicles or smart home devices to existing mobile service plans via a mobile device app or website visit. The new "on-demand connectivity" solution makes it much easier to adopt new technology or instantly take advantage of special offers without additional service contracts or monthly invoices.

    "In an increasingly connected world, it is vital to remove barriers for growth," said Gemalto Vice President Juan Lazcano. "On Demand Connectivity allows people to easily manage their connected devices while helping mobile network operators improve service offerings and customer loyalty. It's a win-win scenario."

    The best part is Gemalto's solution adds a layer of data security that ensures personal information is protected when service plan updates are made. This allows all of us to trust in the connected cars and smart cities of the future. For more information, visit www.gemalto.com/iot.

    Ref: Cars - in Blogs
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    Benny Jacobi Benny_Jacobi

    Next-Gen game is the new exciting game where you can be part of the story and action. Simply select your world and assets and click on start to experience one of the most amazing and fascinating adventures of your life.

    General - All ages

    We are GameWorld. A multi-national video game publisher company on a mission to create the next-gen games.

    Your Stallios page url

    Ref: Entertainment - in Apps
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    Amy Christie amy_christie

    17 0

    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - The global pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus has accelerated an adoption of online work, video meetings, and virtual conferences that will likely continue.

    Almost every business professional has hosted and participated in multiple online meetings, but how many have taken the time to consider how they present themselves on camera and how to make the most of virtual interactions with colleagues, clients, or customers?

    If you want to optimize how you appear on video and improve and enhance your ability to communicate in a virtual meeting setting, check out the Presence Summit, a day of professional development and interactive exercises scheduled for July 15. The event is sponsored by camera manufacturer HuddleCamHD and the audiovisual distributor company Starin.

    The Presence Summit "is for any individual or business that uses online communications and considers professional development a priority," according to the meeting website.

    Organizers say that "this thought-leader forum is designed specifically for enhancing communications in a video presence era."

    The summit will show the new opportunities that online meetings can provide, and participants will hear from communications experts and industry professionals about how to be more effective in online meetings and how to use video communications to promote products and services, as well as to improve customer experiences.

    Keynote speakers will include Joseph Pine, author of "The Experience Economy," and Fatima Doman, author of "Authentic Resilience." The live stream of the summit is free, and an optional professional development track (registration required) allows access to Zoom breakout sessions led by experts on topics including identifying and optimizing your communication style, applying best practices for online meetings and priming video meeting participants for success.

    In addition, all virtual conference attendees receive a free copy of "The Online Meeting Survival Guide," by Paul Richards, business development manager at HuddleCamHD.

    "The book serves as the pivotal guidebook to help people navigate this new normal of video communication," says Richards. "Readers will learn about best practices for using the latest software to make online meetings more productive."

    Leading up to the Summit, the book can be downloaded for free at huddlecamhd.com/online-meetings.

    Visit PresenceSummit.com for additional details and speaker information. And watch a video about the event on YouTube at https://bit.ly/2Chpki1.

    Ref: Business - in Blogs
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    Michael Allen michaelallen
    The psychological thriller about an internet stalker who can find anyone anywhere at any time, his victims have no idea he's coming, and there is only one grave connection between them. Available now on Amazon!
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    Aric Feeney Aric_Feeney

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