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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - If you're reading this story, that probably means you're a concerned parent who wouldn't dream of buying your 8-year-old the new "Battlefield 4" video game for the holidays, no matter how many hissy fits are thrown. But let's face it, you've also got a zillion other things on your mind right now -- how's that work deadline coming? -- and not every title is so obviously age-inappropriate.

    What to do?

    Well, first, remember the reason most kids enjoy playing video games is a positive one. "When kids are asked, in focus groups and surveys, what they like about video games, they generally talk about freedom, self-direction and competence," Peter Gray, a research professor at Boston College, wrote in Psychology Today. And second, know that you're not without helpful resources.

    Here's how to ensure you make a smart choice:

    * Check the box. Not only does each one include a letter on the front indicating the maturity level assigned by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) -- i.e., "EC" for early childhood, "E10+" for those 10 and over, and "T" for teen -- but the cover's flip side provides the basis for the grade. Meaning, if you're unsure whether a video game rated "E" for everyone (or even "M" for mature, 17 or older) is right for your child, content descriptors like "fantasy violence" could be the clincher.

    And while producers aren't required to submit games for review, retail partners of the ESRB like GameStop (www.gamestop.com) say they make a point of only carrying ESRB-rated games. "Each child has a unique personality, and we believe in helping parents protect younger players from overly mature content," says Jason Cochran, vice president of store operations and strategic initiatives at the company, which is the world's largest multichannel retailer of video games.

    * Understand the gaming lingo. You know that clueless feeling you get when your child drops gamer terms like "FPS" around the house? The website RespectTheRatings.com explains their meaning -- in this case, "first person shooter," signifying a game where the player sees the action through the eyes of its main character -- and also offers such other handy tips as the availability of built-in parental controls on consoles and handheld devices.

    * Ask the experts. About 73 percent of all video games are rated "E" through "T," and GameStop actually has "Game Advisors" in every store who can tell you which ones harness creativity ("Disney Infinity"), say, and which are delightful fantasies ("Angry Birds: Star Wars").

    One last tip: When in doubt, try the games in stores yourself.

    Ref: Gaming - in Blogs
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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - As the coronavirus pandemic rapidly turned the "new normal" household into hubs for all daily activities, Summer 2020 now means moving parents' offices, kid's camps, vacation destinations, and virtually everything under one roof.

    Although this dynamic could forge family bonds, it can also ignite the already heated stresses and struggles facing many Americans during this difficult time - making optimal home climate control a critical key to keeping their cool as temperatures heat up this season.

    Recent studies show how our increased togetherness can significantly disrupt domestic bliss. In fact, research suggests that people forced to live in quarantine conditions face a greater risk of anxiety, depression, anger, irritability, insomnia and post-traumatic stress symptoms.

    And, despite feeling close to their children during the pandemic, 61percent of parents say they have shouted, yelled, or screamed at them at least once over the past two weeks, according to a University of Michigan study. Further, married and engaged couples in quarantine are fighting more, with only 18 percent of surveyed couples reporting satisfaction in communication with their partner, according to a survey conducted by the publication, "The Knot and app Lasting."

    When temperatures - and tempers - rise, a dreaded "Family Thermostat War" can ensue. Following are some useful tips to help you save money on utility bills and keep your family cool.

    With home heating and cooling accounting for nearly half of home energy use and air conditioner energy expenses costing homeowners more than $11 billion a year, small steps can go a long way.

    * Ease Into Electric: According to Columbia University's Earth Institute, electric systems are a solution to decarbonize home climate control. Among the most energy-efficient heating and cooling products, electricity-powered ductless mini-split systems, offered by companies including Fujitsu General America, can save as much as 25 percent on your energy bill. Mini-splits use thin copper tubing to pump refrigerant from an outdoor compressor directly into an indoor air-handling unit, where the air is quietly distributed to the interior space.

    * Get "Smart" About Climate Control: When it comes to smart home temperature control, there are Smart HVAC Systems and Smart Thermostats. Smart HVAC systems have built-in Internet capability and can be controlled directly without additional equipment. Smart Home Thermostats create "smart" systems by enabling remote temperature control via a mobile or Internet-connected device or voice-operated home automation system.

    * Voice Your Preference: Take control of your comfort. Most HVAC manufacturers offer apps that enable systems to be controlled from anywhere using a mobile device. Voice-control capability uses digital assistants, such as Amazon Alexa or Google Home, to verbally dictate home temperatures. Easily controlling the temperature more closely allows homeowners to be more comfortable and improve energy savings.

    * Find Your Efficient Comfort Zone: Many of us live in homes designed for bigger families, but have yet to downsize. If you find yourself using a fraction of your home on a regular basis, consider upgrading to a zoned, ducted, or ductless system. That will allow you to save energy heating and cooling spaces where you and your family don't spend a lot of time. This will multiply savings as you're not only needing less cooling, but you also gain from a more efficient system in the spaces you do still use.

    * Try Low-tech Fixes: Simple changes can have a big impact. Try to use heat-producing appliances - stoves, irons and dryers at night or early morning. Switch to LED light bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs - which consume 90 percent more power. Seal air leaks around windows, doors, and places where pipes and wires come through walls. And check existing caulking and weather-stripping for gaps or cracks.

    Achieving a sense of peaceful co-existence in your increasingly crowded, multi-functional home does not need to make your family members hot under the collar. If a new system is right for you, many Fujitsu systems with the Energy Star rating are more than twice as efficient as the minimum standard set by the government. To learn more or find a contractor near you, call 888-888-3424 or visit www.constantcomfort.com.

    Ref: Furnitures - in Blogs
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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - Today most homeowners want to do right by the environment while also caring for the health and wellness of their own families. But they don't always know what measures they can take with the design, construction, and furnishing of their houses to achieve eco-friendly, health-enhancing results.

    "Many responsible consumers are uncertain what a 'sustainable' product or material is," notes Linda Jovanovich of the American Hardwood Information Center, www.hardwoodinfo.com.

    "It simply means the particular resource is self-replenishing - something we can use freely now without fear that its supply will run out in the future. Since American hardwood forests renew themselves almost twice as fast as they are harvested, the U.S. supply of hardwoods for flooring, furniture, cabinetry, and millwork is sustainable now and for generations to come."

    As well as being plentiful and sustainable, American hardwood is carbon neutral: Growing trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and break it down into oxygen, which is returned to the air, and carbon, which is used to create roots, trunk, branches, and leaves. In short, the use of natural American hardwoods throughout a house helps with the long-term removal of carbon from the environment.

    Hardwood can also benefit a household's general well-being.

    When artist Hadley Williams renovated her family home in California's Bay Area, she asked the makeover team - designer Sherry Williamson, architect Andrew Mann, and builder Michael McCutcheon - for a clean-lined, ultra-eco-friendly residence. They wrapped all the floors, ceilings, walls, and casework in the gutted interiors with plain-sawn American white oak, achieving a beautiful balance among aesthetics, sustainability, and healthfulness.

    Since the latter was a priority, each and every building product used was screened for a comprehensive list of more than 900 chemicals of concern. Using solid timber helped avoid the unhealthy volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found in laminate glues. Thanks to those efforts, the house has been certified LEED Platinum - the U.S. Green Building Council's highest ranking.

    Architect Stephanie Horowitz of Boston-based ZeroEnergy Design is another expert at creating contemporary, environmentally sensitive, family-friendly homes.

    "We regularly specify domestic, sustainably harvested hardwood floors," she says.

    "When paired with a non-VOC finish, a hardwood floor helps maintain healthy indoor-air quality while allowing us to support local business and overall environmental health."

    Such was the case with a house she recently designed for a client who wanted an exceptionally healthy and comfortable living environment in a traditional neighborhood. By installing quarter-sawn white-oak floors, and selecting other durable materials and finishes with low or no VOCs and no added urea formaldehyde, Horowitz was able to achieve LEED-platinum certification for the house and, more importantly, ensure that its inhabitants can breathe easy.

    Visit www.hardwoodinfo.com for more about sustainability and healthfulness in relation to home applications and products using American hardwoods.

    Ref: Decoration - in Blogs
    6 0

    Sharon inc one
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    We're located in the corner of the Business boulevard, and the highway 40. The best way to come to our office is by the highway 40, until you reach the Business boulevard. We're on the east-side of the boulvard, at door number 10255.

    WEBSITE: https://stallios.com/posts/2104

    Ref: Pharmaceutical Companies in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    26 0

    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - Sports-related injuries are common and, when an athlete is hurt, care follows a proven, long-standing protocol of rehabilitation. But what happens when impact occurs to the head, face or jaw, and -- at the time -- no immediate injury is diagnosed?

    Weeks, months or even years later, many of these players begin to experience headaches, TMJ/D, migraines, vertigo or tinnitus -- estimated to impact 50 million people in the U.S. to some degree.

    "Undiagnosed head trauma from sports injuries -- or other types of impact, including minor car accidents -- is one of the most common causes we see of chronic headaches, migraine, tinnitus and vertigo," says Dr. Ben Burris, an orthodontist with 28 clinics in Arkansas.

    Now, these long-term and sometimes debilitating conditions can often be resolved with a painless, non-invasive treatment without drugs or needles -- and all at the dentist's office.

    "For over three years, we have been able to help patients with conditions caused by sports injuries," says Dr. Tad Morgan of Tyler, Texas. "If you damaged your knee or shoulder, you would go to the sports medicine clinic for rehab. With injuries to the head, face or jaw, rehab was unavailable until the advent of TruDenta care."

    Once diagnosed using a painless, digitally enhanced process, patients receive treatment through a proprietary combination of FDA-cleared, low-level laser therapy, therapeutic ultrasound and other modalities. Each of these was originally developed by MDs in sports medicine to speed the healing of joints and force-related traumas. The TruDenta system can quickly resolve issues in the head, neck, face and jaw, which people may have suffered for years.

    "Many of our patients with chronic headaches and migraines are females who have played sports -- soccer, gymnastics or even cycling," says Dr. Richard Hughes of Sandy, Utah. "The common denominator is some form of undiagnosed head trauma which was not properly rehabilitated and resulted in long-term painful symptoms."

    TruDenta doctors report rapidly resolving these issues for the majority of patients with long-lasting results. Care is often covered by medical insurance, and TruDenta doctors provide a free consultation.

    "We are excited to help these patients in 12 weeks or less without drugs or needles," says Dr. Jeffrey Mastroianni of Glen Carbon, Illinois. "It is truly life-changing for many."

    To download the free e-book "Start Living Pain Free," visit www.TruDenta.com/NUSA or call 844-202-2651.

    Ref: Fitness - in Blogs
    34 0

    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - It's no surprise that parents today seek books that will delight, engage, and educate their children. However, some parents are seeing gaps in the available options of topics they want to share with their children. To combat this, there is a growing trend of parents who have taken matters into their own hands and turned to self-publishing to fill these holes themselves.

    Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) from Amazon is one self-publishing option that offers editorial freedom and ease of use for busy parents looking to create something that meets their kids' needs.

    KDP success stories include Handeep Dhoot (who writes as "Dr. Dhoot"), a mom with a Ph.D. in chemistry who wanted to introduce her young daughter to STEM topics.

    Dr. Dhoot has self-published the growing Tinker Toddler series of STEM books aimed at young children, including Machine Learning for Babies & Toddlers.

    "Becoming a parent helped me realize the urgency for introducing scientific topics, like STEM, to kids while their brains are still developing. KDP allowed me to self-publish books that portray these ideas in an accurate and digestible way for kids, including my own daughter."

    Gabi Garcia, a long-time school counselor and mom, turned to self-publishing when she saw a lack of books for Spanish-speaking and bilingual children about how to understand their emotions and feelings.

    "It's so important to engage with children early to discuss mindfulness. Self-publishing on KDP empowered me to take all that I'd learned and seen as a school counselor and make it accessible to more children, in both English and Spanish."

    She has published several books on these topics through KDP, including Listening to My Body, published in both English and Spanish. She now writes full-time on mindfulness and social awareness topics for children, parents, and educators.

    Brendan Kelso struggled with dyslexia as a child, but found learning and performing dramatic monologues helpful. He enjoyed Shakespeare, but, like many young readers, found the text hard to understand.

    After a career in engineering, he became a stay-at-home dad and came up with an idea to write versions of Shakespeare's plays that were more accessible to kids. His loveof theater and writing led him to self-publish several works through KDP, starting with Shakespeare's Hamlet for Kids.

    "I have the freedom to spend more time with my family, while pursuing my passion on my own terms with KDP."

    These parents have been able to create the books they couldn't find for kids and found financial success - and sometimes a whole new career - in the process.

    For those parents who are toying with self-publishing, but still have questions, consider this:

    * KDP lets authors set their own prices and retain all rights to their work.

    * As an author, you can publish your book in minutes, and these books are available to a worldwide audience through Kindle online stores in 24-48 hours.

    * You can publish Kindle eBooks and paperbacks in multiple languages.

    Visit kdp.amazon.com for more information about Kindle Direct Publishing.

    Ref: Encouraging - in Blogs
    50 0

    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - Summer. The word itself sounds so relaxing and soothing to the senses. And nothing is more soothing in the summer than swimming.

    At the very least, there's certainly nothing more cooling or refreshing than a quick trip to the pool. Indeed, with the temperatures rising and vacations in high gear, it's prime time to take a trip to the beach or head to your favorite resort pool and enjoy one of America's favorite summer pastimes: swimming.

    To ensure your next trip to the pool is as relaxing and successful as ever, however, there are some essential items everybody should consider bringing. So, whether it's just a casual day of cooling off, a special summer pool party or family fun day, here's a to-do list that covers all pool partygoers.

    * First and foremost, lather up with suntan lotions. And then bring more in your tote bag so you can reapply after a round or two of swimming. There's nothing more frustrating when you settle in and realize you forgot your supplies and need to buy more.

    * Pack swimming gear. Regardless of whether you're going to the beach or pool, make sure you have goggles, noodles and other flotation devices. Your time in the water will never be more enjoyable.

    * Bring some snacks and drinks. After some rigorous swimming or leisurely baking in the sun, you're bound to build up an appetite or have a need to quench your thirst.

    * Don't forget your spittoon. Being at the pool in a bikini or trunks can leave one very exposed to say the least. If you're a smokeless tobacco user, there's even less opportunity to take a discreet "dip" while you're taking a dip in the pool.

    That is, unless you own a portable spittoon created by Atlanta-based FLASR. These new 4-ounce pocket-sized spittoons are brilliantly designed to allow users to easily open and close with just one hand, making them ideal items to bring to the pool or any other public setting so you can still enjoy your smokeless tobacco. Another advantage to the FLASR flask is its advanced closing mechanism that ensures it stays securely closed when not in use, eliminating the risk of any messy spills or leaks in the pool that come with those gaudy bottles or drink cups of old.

    For more information, please visit www.flasr.com.

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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - Are all those stories about crippling student debt having an effect on college campuses? Just ask post-Millennials now trying - albeit not always successfully - to avoid being saddled with the same heavy burden of debt as their predecessors.

    According to Fidelity Investments' new "College Savings: Lessons Learned Study," not only did 83 percent of current college students surveyed consider what their total costs would be before matriculating - just 69 percent of recent graduates had such foresight - but 39 percent of them said the potential price tag was such "a huge factor" that they purposely limited their choice of schools to the most affordable. Only 32 percent of recent graduates, alas, had shown similar restraint.

    "It seems today's college students are perhaps more aware of the financial situation they entered into than those who graduated before them," said Melissa Ridolfi, Fidelity's vice president of retirement and college leadership. "That's a positive development."

    All told, student debt in the U.S. now totals more than $1.5 trillion - second only to mortgage debt, Forbes reported. And the 69 percent or so of the Class of 2018 who took out student loans graduated with an average debt balance of $29,800.

    So you can understand why recent graduates would be so stressed out over whether they'd ever be able to pay off their loans that they're now having second thoughts about their decisions:

    * 40 percent said that while they don't regret going to college, they would've made different choices in hindsight.

    * Only 14 percent felt the value of their education was worth more than the money they'd spent.

    Oh, and future college students should listen up for this sage advice from the more than 4,000 respondents surveyed - all recent graduates, current undergraduates, and parents of either or both - on what would've done wonders to ease their own stress levels.

    "When asked 'If you knew then what you know now when it comes to school selection, what would you do differently?' the number one answer for all respondents was 'I would've started saving earlier,'" Ridolfi said.

    Which logically brings us to another key finding of the study: Only 17 percent of current students and recent graduates had taken advantage, prior to college, of what's arguably one of the best ways to fund higher education: 529 savings plans.

    Unlike regular bank savings accounts, they provide a tax-advantaged way to save money to cover tuition, books and other education-related expenses at most accredited two- and four-year colleges, universities and vocational-technical schools.

    The key phrase being "tax-advantaged." Meaning, earnings grow federal income tax-deferred and withdrawals for qualified expenses are free from federal (and, in many places, state) income taxes - thus affording the opportunity to have even more saved for college.

    Significantly, Ridolfi said families using a 529 plan managed by Fidelity have been starting to sock money away earlier than ever before, with contributions beginning on average when the child is about age six and a half. Thirty-six percent of Fidelity 529s are even opened for beneficiaries under - yes - age 2.

    You say a child hasn't even uttered his or her first complete sentence before they're two? Probably not. But just so you're not bushwhacked when they suddenly hit their late teens, free online resources like Fidelity's College Savings Learning Center and College Savings Quick Check - a calculator that even shows you the impact of saving a few dollars more a month - can help prepare you for what lies ahead.

    Ref: Education - in Blogs
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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - Enhancing a once-in-a-lifetime event, such as a wedding proposal or ceremony, with the right song takes the experience to a whole new level. It adds a personal touch that makes for ongoing memories, as couples have the opportunity to play the song at anniversaries or other special events through the years.

    Just in time for anyone planning to propose on Valentine's Day (or any day), an original song called "The First Time," by Del Henry, makes its debut February 1, 2019, on multiple channels, including iTunes, Amazon Music, Apple Music, Tidal, Spotify, Pandora, YouTube Music, Google Music Store, Shazam, and many more.

    The release of the song coincides with a release of a video. The video version of "The First Time" being released is, in fact, the first time the song was performed live, at a wedding as a gift from the groom to the bride, and her reaction says it all.

    "How can I say, in a most simple way/My living started when you came that day/ How can I tell you when all's said and done/ My Heaven started with you as the one."

    Many couples can relate to these lyrics. The song stands out as an example of the power of music to capture a moment and move an audience, so it is both a personal and a shared experience.

    Many of the guests seen in the video of the song's debut are as emotional as the bride, because the lyrics evoke memories of their own shared lives and ongoing love stories.

    "It's truly a story about how and why couples come to the moment when they want to be together … 'eternally,' says David Shewmaker, the Minister conducting the ceremony.

    "As a Groomsman, I could see Brandon's live performance and saw the audience's response, which was electric and moving. I was hearing the song for the first time too," says Tim Delany, a 23-year-old college graduate.

    Lyrics such as "The first time I felt your eyes touch mine/The first time I felt your smile" can be part of the setting of a proposal on Valentine's Day or any day, but they are equally appropriate for an anniversary, whether a first or a fiftieth, or simply to thank someone for bringing joy to your life.

    Use the song to show your affection for someone who matters to you, share the heartwarming video, and appreciate the skill of 18-year-old musician Brandon D. Henry, who performed "The First Time" for its first time at the recent wedding shown in the video, accompanied by master guitarist Dave Murdy.

    Ref: Concerts - in Blogs
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