Meeting Invitation
Meeting Invitation

    Rebecca Ebert Rebecca_Ebert

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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - For many of us, a cup of coffee is essential to starting the day off right. For your teeth, it sets the stage for stains. And for those who like to have a glass of red wine at night, you're also ending your day with a noted tooth stainer. Other culprits can include: tea, sports drinks, curry, berries, tomato sauce and candies.

    The Eroders

    Your enamel is not only vulnerable to obvious acids like citrus fruits, vinegar and white wine, but sugar can have an acidic effect on your enamel as well. Plaque bacteria use sugar to produce acid, which then eats away at tooth enamel. This means the sodas, juices, sports drinks and candies

    -- basically anything with sugar in it -- can be eroding your enamel.

    The Breakers

    It goes without saying that biting into something very hard can damage your teeth. Similarly, something extremely chewy can pull on teeth and cause damage or loosen a crown. The foods to be wary of include: hard candies, chewy candies, ice, popcorn seeds and corn on the cob.

    The Driers

    That horrible "cotton-mouth" feeling after you've had a couple of drinks is actually bad for your teeth. When saliva flow is reduced, you stand a greater risk of tooth decay, oral infections and possibly gum disease. Triggers that can cause dry mouth include: alcohol, coffee, tea, caffeinated beverages and any salty foods.

    Don't despair! There are plenty of food options that actually promote tooth strength, whiteness and freshness. Feel free to indulge in fiber-rich fruits and vegetables that stimulate salivation. Cheeses, milk, yogurt and other dairy products are packed with calcium, phosphates, vitamin D and other minerals that promote all-over health. Also, calcium mixes with plaque and sticks to your teeth, providing protection from acids and rebuilding enamel on the spot. Green and black tea (without sugar added) can slow down tooth decay and gum disease by suppressing bacteria. Use fluoridated water to brew your tea, and you've just added a powerful decay prevention agent.

    For more information and to locate an American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry AACD member dentist near you, please visit www.YourSmileBecomesYou.com.

    Ref: Eating - in Blogs
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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - More businesses and countries worldwide are embracing digital payments as a way to make e-commerce more efficient and create a smoother transaction experience for consumers.

    Digital wallets, such as uBUCK, offer a dollar-backed stable token built on Waves blockchain technology, one of the fastest blockchains available. uBUCK's technology allows for the management of both digital and traditional currency, and both online and offline purchasing power.

    "Piloted by an all-star management team, uBUCK is looking beyond carving out a niche to become a disruptive player in this ever-changing payments industry," according to the company's website.

    The uBUCK digital wallet allows for instant transfers of funds, and unlike some digital wallets, uBUCK is not limited to the United States. Transfers can occur globally, with no transfer fees and no cost to the end user.

    The elimination of transfer fees is one of uBUCK's strongest selling points, as it is an option for those who don't have traditional bank accounts, such as migrant workers looking to send money home, or for anyone else, such as parents sending money to kids at college who want to avoid the additional fees associated with some financial transfers.

    Users of uBUCK can transfer funds, make online purchases, or withdraw cash at an ATM, although reports on digital wallet use suggest that the expanded technology may ultimately replace the need for bank branches and ATMs.

    Sending money with uBUCK is a simple, four-step process:

    * Buy the voucher. Users download the uBUCK app and purchase a voucher.

    * Buy uBUCK cash. Users redeem a PIN to purchase uBUCK cash.

    * Select recipient. Users without a uBUCK account will be invited to the app via email.

    * Send payment. Users can then enter the payment amount, send, and confirm.

    "Our mission is to put honesty, transparency, and trust back into software," according to Ashik Karim, CEO of LiteLink Technologies, the parent company of uBUCK Technologies. LiteLink was recently featured in a Forbes magazine article, "10 Blockchain Companies to Watch in 2019."

    LiteLink is publicly traded on the Canadian Securities Exchange and OTC Markets. Their symbols are CSE:LLT and OTC:LLNKF.

    Ref: Electronics - in Blogs
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    Aric Feeney Aric_Feeney

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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - Well, actually, it's both … the charm of hummingbirds is most certainly apropos and "a charm" of hummingbirds is actually factual! Yep, that's right, the collective noun for these unique creatures - just like a gaggle of geese or a flock of birds, is a charm of hummingbirds. Since the definition of the noun 'charm' is "the power of giving delight or arousing admiration," one doesn't need to be a wordsmith to see how right that is.

    Hummingbirds are charming.

    And there are over 330 varieties of the species, Trochilidae, which is their biological family name and they're found in the Western Hemisphere. When one sees a hummingbird, it's a stunning, stop-in-your-tracks sight. Their brilliant throat color is actually a result of the iridescence in the arrangement of their feathers, not color pigment. Light level, moisture, angle of viewing and other factors all influence just how bright and colorful their throats may appear. Perhaps you've heard them, too - the name hummingbird comes from the buzzing sound of their fast-flapping wings.

    Hummers are migrant birds, so although many stay close to the Equator, lots of varieties travel this time of year, so there may be a 'charm' coming to your backyard soon. If you have the desire to see one up close or are curious about how to attract them to your yard, the folks at Cole's Wild Bird Feed Co have got you covered. First, they figured out the engineering of an elegant, deceptively simple, easy-to-use (and easy-to-clean!) feeder. The patented Hummer High Rise has a clever design that offers a stress-free position for your charming guests to get their fill, a fantastic 360-degree vista, all the while keeping other unwanted creatures at bay.

    For example there's an ant moat that stops the armies of industrious workers who'd love to get some sweet nectar, from beating a path to the liquid food. The genius is, it's an actual moat, with nothing but H2O keeping the ants at bay, so while it does its job, it doesn't do harm. Nice!

    A charm magnet.

    The second definition for the noun 'charm' is a small ornament worn on a necklace or bracelet. Hummingbirds weigh on average the same as a nickel, so while you'll want to wear a replica from the jewelers, Hummers can be your own garden's jewelry all season long.

    And in return for their arousing your admiration, they'll feed on those annoying garden insects and pests. For their small size, hummers eat a lot. They are voracious eaters, feeding on mosquitos, gnats, spiders, aphids and other six-legged creepy crawlers. But, besides pests for protein, their primary 'food group' is nectar, which they get in by flitting from flower to flower and using their long beaks and equally long tongues to get their fill. All that flitting is exhausting!

    Since hummingbirds drink up to half their body weight a day of nectar you can help them out by keeping your High Rise fully stocked, for a one-stop fill of their favorite nectar treat.

    Let's not leave out the definition of the verb, "charm," which is to "delight greatly." If you want these Disney-esque caricatures to delight you on a regular basis with their wonder - and bring their distinctive song to your yard - there is something you can buy: the creme-de la creme of what these charmers crave: Nature's Garden from Cole's.

    By identifying and harnessing the nutrients of the hummer's favorite wildflowers, and tapping their vast store of wild bird knowhow, Cole's has created the next-best-thing to actual flower nectar - a proprietary formula that's far and away a cut above your 'garden-variety' sugar water. Nature's Garden is a healthy, all-natural alternative to homemade syrup, no mixing and no boiling required. It comes in an eco-friendly soft pouch; just shake and pour. You'll be delighted with how easy it is to keep your hummer feeder filled and overjoyed at seeing hummers frequent your yard. Your neighborhood hummingbirds will love it, so they'll keep coming back.

    A brief postscript: a natural predator to the hummingbird is the praying mantis. Despite their equally small size and saintly appearance, they feed on our fascinating feathered friends and are a real threat (and a protected species), so if you find a mantis hanging around your High Rise, take care to evict it gently, to a lower piece of real estate and keep hummers safe.

    Ref: Camping - in Blogs
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    Vanessa Leannon Vanessa_Leannon

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    Rebecca Ebert Rebecca_Ebert

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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - With so many TV shows, videos, and games vying for a child's attention, it can be hard to keep him or her inspired to read. It can be even harder to do so in "real life" settings, but interacting with other kids and sharing excitement for a series or character is often more powerful than swiping a screen.

    Enter the Barnes & Noble Kids' Book Hangout. This new nationwide program invites kids aged 6 through 12 to go to their local Barnes & Noble to hang out, talk books, and play fun games and activities - all "in real life."

    Through this new program, Barnes & Noble booksellers will lead kids in games and activities related to select titles that showcase a range of genres and tastes.

    "The whole idea of the Hangout is for kids to see how much fun reading can be, and that enjoying characters, stories, and books really can be a social experience," says Stephanie Fryling, Vice President of Merchandising, Children's Books. "If the kids walk away with a new favorite character or series that motivates them to keep reading, then we'll have done our job."

    The first Kids' Book Hangout starts Saturday, July 28, at 2 p.m. in every Barnes & Noble store nationwide. Kids don't have to read the featured books, and everyone from 6-12 is welcome. The national bookseller will continue to host Hangouts on a seasonal schedule.

    For the inaugural gathering, Barnes & Noble has teamed up with Penguin Young Readers to showcase titles that include heartfelt poetry, a hilarious Caveboy, a mysterious adventure, and a Beatle-crazed young woman. The books are:

    * Brown Girl Dreaming, by Jacqueline Woodson

    * More Scrawny Than Brawny, by Aaron Reynolds

    * The Basque Dragon, by Adam Gidwitz

    * She Loves You (Yeah, Yeah, Yeah), by Ann Hood

    The four titles will be 20 percent off all day at Barnes & Noble on July 28, and Frappuccinos and smoothies will be $1 off for Hangout participants.

    The first Hangout comes at a great time for parents struggling to keep their kids reading during the summer. When school starts up again, the Hangouts will be a good reminder that books aren't just for classrooms.

    "The relationship people have with books and reading often starts in childhood, and we hope these Hangouts will help parents and caregivers lay a great foundation for young readers," Fryling says.

    The program adds to Barnes & Noble's other offerings for kids, including the earn-a-free-book Summer Reading Program, and weekly Storytimes for younger kids.

    The bookseller has more information on its website: www.bn.com/bnhangout, and will be posting about the event at #BNHangout.

    Ref: Communities - in Blogs
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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - Sports-related injuries are common and, when an athlete is hurt, care follows a proven, long-standing protocol of rehabilitation. But what happens when impact occurs to the head, face or jaw, and -- at the time -- no immediate injury is diagnosed?

    Weeks, months or even years later, many of these players begin to experience headaches, TMJ/D, migraines, vertigo or tinnitus -- estimated to impact 50 million people in the U.S. to some degree.

    "Undiagnosed head trauma from sports injuries -- or other types of impact, including minor car accidents -- is one of the most common causes we see of chronic headaches, migraine, tinnitus and vertigo," says Dr. Ben Burris, an orthodontist with 28 clinics in Arkansas.

    Now, these long-term and sometimes debilitating conditions can often be resolved with a painless, non-invasive treatment without drugs or needles -- and all at the dentist's office.

    "For over three years, we have been able to help patients with conditions caused by sports injuries," says Dr. Tad Morgan of Tyler, Texas. "If you damaged your knee or shoulder, you would go to the sports medicine clinic for rehab. With injuries to the head, face or jaw, rehab was unavailable until the advent of TruDenta care."

    Once diagnosed using a painless, digitally enhanced process, patients receive treatment through a proprietary combination of FDA-cleared, low-level laser therapy, therapeutic ultrasound and other modalities. Each of these was originally developed by MDs in sports medicine to speed the healing of joints and force-related traumas. The TruDenta system can quickly resolve issues in the head, neck, face and jaw, which people may have suffered for years.

    "Many of our patients with chronic headaches and migraines are females who have played sports -- soccer, gymnastics or even cycling," says Dr. Richard Hughes of Sandy, Utah. "The common denominator is some form of undiagnosed head trauma which was not properly rehabilitated and resulted in long-term painful symptoms."

    TruDenta doctors report rapidly resolving these issues for the majority of patients with long-lasting results. Care is often covered by medical insurance, and TruDenta doctors provide a free consultation.

    "We are excited to help these patients in 12 weeks or less without drugs or needles," says Dr. Jeffrey Mastroianni of Glen Carbon, Illinois. "It is truly life-changing for many."

    To download the free e-book "Start Living Pain Free," visit www.TruDenta.com/NUSA or call 844-202-2651.

    Ref: Fitness - in Blogs
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