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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - It's no surprise that parents today seek books that will delight, engage, and educate their children. However, some parents are seeing gaps in the available options of topics they want to share with their children. To combat this, there is a growing trend of parents who have taken matters into their own hands and turned to self-publishing to fill these holes themselves.

    Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) from Amazon is one self-publishing option that offers editorial freedom and ease of use for busy parents looking to create something that meets their kids' needs.

    KDP success stories include Handeep Dhoot (who writes as "Dr. Dhoot"), a mom with a Ph.D. in chemistry who wanted to introduce her young daughter to STEM topics.

    Dr. Dhoot has self-published the growing Tinker Toddler series of STEM books aimed at young children, including Machine Learning for Babies & Toddlers.

    "Becoming a parent helped me realize the urgency for introducing scientific topics, like STEM, to kids while their brains are still developing. KDP allowed me to self-publish books that portray these ideas in an accurate and digestible way for kids, including my own daughter."

    Gabi Garcia, a long-time school counselor and mom, turned to self-publishing when she saw a lack of books for Spanish-speaking and bilingual children about how to understand their emotions and feelings.

    "It's so important to engage with children early to discuss mindfulness. Self-publishing on KDP empowered me to take all that I'd learned and seen as a school counselor and make it accessible to more children, in both English and Spanish."

    She has published several books on these topics through KDP, including Listening to My Body, published in both English and Spanish. She now writes full-time on mindfulness and social awareness topics for children, parents, and educators.

    Brendan Kelso struggled with dyslexia as a child, but found learning and performing dramatic monologues helpful. He enjoyed Shakespeare, but, like many young readers, found the text hard to understand.

    After a career in engineering, he became a stay-at-home dad and came up with an idea to write versions of Shakespeare's plays that were more accessible to kids. His loveof theater and writing led him to self-publish several works through KDP, starting with Shakespeare's Hamlet for Kids.

    "I have the freedom to spend more time with my family, while pursuing my passion on my own terms with KDP."

    These parents have been able to create the books they couldn't find for kids and found financial success - and sometimes a whole new career - in the process.

    For those parents who are toying with self-publishing, but still have questions, consider this:

    * KDP lets authors set their own prices and retain all rights to their work.

    * As an author, you can publish your book in minutes, and these books are available to a worldwide audience through Kindle online stores in 24-48 hours.

    * You can publish Kindle eBooks and paperbacks in multiple languages.

    Visit kdp.amazon.com for more information about Kindle Direct Publishing.

    Ref: Encouraging - in Blogs
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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - No matter who you are or what business you are in, you're vulnerable to a cyber attack. That's the unfortunate reality of the times we live in.

    Think you're immune? There are millions of cyberattacks in the United States every year, with big companies like Home Depot, Adobe Systems, Sony, Citigroup, Target, Facebook, Evernote and The New York Times taking the biggest hits and falling victim.

    And like Fortune 500 companies that seemingly have the resources to battle data breaches, small businesses are just as exposed, if not more so. According to a Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report more than 70 percent of the businesses in the study that were breached had fewer than 100 employees. Those breaches result in huge losses. Trend Micro found that "cybercriminals steal as much as $1 billion a year from SMBs in the United States and Europe, alone."

    Which begs the question: If both large and small companies and the U.S. government can be compromised (even with security protocols in place), then what does that mean for individuals?

    It's a question that Dr. Robert Short, chief technology officer and chief technical scientist of VirnetX, struggled with and finally answered in the form of Gabriel, a set of secure encrypted communication apps derived from a CIA-sponsored Department of Defense project.

    "The genesis of Gabriel really was trying to solve the problem of how you make security transparent to the user. The means to automatically create a secure connection whenever a secure connection is needed to wherever it is needed, and create it on demand," says Short. "That has always been the vision behind Gabriel."

    The difference between Gabriel and other products, says Short, is that users do not have to transmit data to or store data with any third party, including VirnetX. In this way, data is stored only on their own devices. Essentially, users maintain control of their own data.

    Gabriel users also have secure, encrypted (spamless) email, text messages, free voice and video calls and picture or file share with other trusted Gabriel users in their network -- all directly from their personal device.

    Gabriel runs on iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows and Mac OSX. For more information or to download Gabriel go to gabrielsecure.com, the App Store or the Google Play store.

    Ref: Datacenters - in Blogs
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    Vanessa Leannon Vanessa_Leannon

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    Aric Feeney Aric_Feeney

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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - Sponsored News - It seems as if there is nothing a smartphone can't do these days. It can get you where you want to go (most of the time), you can make reservations at your favorite restaurant, and now you can use it to detect whether your home is leaking energy or water.

    Thermal imaging, a once-costly technology, available only to the military and police or firefighters, is now just a finger-swipe away with the right attachment to your smartphone, thanks to Seek Thermal, a California-based technology company.

    The way it works is this: the Seek Compact Camera (which is smaller than a credit card swiper for your phone) attaches to your smartphone, turning it into a thermal imager that can then identify hot and cold spots in your house. After downloading a free app, the camera begins working in seconds and homeowners can then easily spot energy loss in the home caused by air leaks, missing or damaged insulation, insufficient HVAC or poor construction. In addition, the thermal imaging camera can also find water in roofs, walls, doors, and window frames.

    According to one user who tested the Seek camera at the end of winter in his own home, the results were "stunning."

    "Within minutes, I was able to detect sources of heat leaking out of my house," he says. "Some of these places are easy to fix, while others would be quite difficult."

    For professional contractors, the Seek CompactPRO is a must-have because the camera has enough sensitivity to locate radiant heating pipes under concrete slabs, identify unsealed insulation gaps in roofs, walls, and door and window frames, and find out how far water has spread in the case of a leak.

    Thinking of buying a home? This little jewel could save you all kinds of unexpected surprises in the form of water leaks in the basement and behind finished walls, and roof leaks that may have been painted over by a homeowner trying to disguise a problem.

    To protect your investment (both the camera and your phone), the Seek Compact has a compatible module for the OtterBox uniVERSE Case System.

    The smartphone attachment is designed to work with both iPhone and Android top models.

    For more information, please visit www.thermal.com.

    Ref: Awesome - in Blogs
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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - As energy costs rise, the "green" movement and conservation efforts have become popular topics. Energy-saving recommendations appear daily in the media, and consumers are being offered subsidies or state and federal tax credits to encourage the purchase of more efficient appliances. However, many homeowners fail to consider their water heater when it comes to going "green."

    Although today's water heaters are expected to operate for an average of 13 years, the U.S. Department of Energy recommends shopping for a new water heater if your current unit is more than seven years old. This allows an adequate amount of time for homeowners to research and select a water heater that best meets their needs instead of waiting until their heater breaks down and selecting the cheapest quick fix for cold showers.

    Consumers are increasingly turning to high-efficiency water heaters when replacing older units or during remodeling and building projects. While these models may cost more initially, savings in water and energy usage continue throughout the lifetime of the appliance, offsetting the price difference. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reports that these units use 10 to 50 percent less energy, benefits to both your budget and the environment.

    A recent study by the Gas Technology Institute simulated the residential performance of high-efficiency water heaters and conventional units. The Vertex from A. O. Smith, a hybrid, gas-condensing, residential unit incorporating tank-type and tankless technology, provided the best overall performance at average and high-volume hot water usage, which is the consumption of 64-gallons or more per day of hot water.

    Endorsed by long-time environmental champion Ed Begley Jr. of the HGTV series "Living With Ed," the Vertex provides sufficient quantities of hot water for shower after shower and operates at 90 percent thermal efficiency. Additionally, it is designed to meet the demands that modern lifestyles require.

    "Using more efficient combustion to produce hot water at lower operating costs and 90 percent thermal efficiency, the Vertex is a good choice for customers who want to save energy without skimping on hot water," said David Chisolm, A. O. Smith Water Heater brand manager.

    For more information on the A. O. Smith Vertex model, visit hotwater.com/resources/energy-star-qualified-products/.

    Ref: Gifts - in Blogs
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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - Today most homeowners want to do right by the environment while also caring for the health and wellness of their own families. But they don't always know what measures they can take with the design, construction, and furnishing of their houses to achieve eco-friendly, health-enhancing results.

    "Many responsible consumers are uncertain what a 'sustainable' product or material is," notes Linda Jovanovich of the American Hardwood Information Center, www.hardwoodinfo.com.

    "It simply means the particular resource is self-replenishing - something we can use freely now without fear that its supply will run out in the future. Since American hardwood forests renew themselves almost twice as fast as they are harvested, the U.S. supply of hardwoods for flooring, furniture, cabinetry, and millwork is sustainable now and for generations to come."

    As well as being plentiful and sustainable, American hardwood is carbon neutral: Growing trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and break it down into oxygen, which is returned to the air, and carbon, which is used to create roots, trunk, branches, and leaves. In short, the use of natural American hardwoods throughout a house helps with the long-term removal of carbon from the environment.

    Hardwood can also benefit a household's general well-being.

    When artist Hadley Williams renovated her family home in California's Bay Area, she asked the makeover team - designer Sherry Williamson, architect Andrew Mann, and builder Michael McCutcheon - for a clean-lined, ultra-eco-friendly residence. They wrapped all the floors, ceilings, walls, and casework in the gutted interiors with plain-sawn American white oak, achieving a beautiful balance among aesthetics, sustainability, and healthfulness.

    Since the latter was a priority, each and every building product used was screened for a comprehensive list of more than 900 chemicals of concern. Using solid timber helped avoid the unhealthy volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found in laminate glues. Thanks to those efforts, the house has been certified LEED Platinum - the U.S. Green Building Council's highest ranking.

    Architect Stephanie Horowitz of Boston-based ZeroEnergy Design is another expert at creating contemporary, environmentally sensitive, family-friendly homes.

    "We regularly specify domestic, sustainably harvested hardwood floors," she says.

    "When paired with a non-VOC finish, a hardwood floor helps maintain healthy indoor-air quality while allowing us to support local business and overall environmental health."

    Such was the case with a house she recently designed for a client who wanted an exceptionally healthy and comfortable living environment in a traditional neighborhood. By installing quarter-sawn white-oak floors, and selecting other durable materials and finishes with low or no VOCs and no added urea formaldehyde, Horowitz was able to achieve LEED-platinum certification for the house and, more importantly, ensure that its inhabitants can breathe easy.

    Visit www.hardwoodinfo.com for more about sustainability and healthfulness in relation to home applications and products using American hardwoods.

    Ref: Construction - in Blogs
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    Amy Christie amy_christie

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