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Meeting Invitation

    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - The Bible is one of the most studied texts in existence, but a new book reveals a previously unrecognized encrypted message in the Old Testament that foresees the birth, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus.

    In the book, The Chamberlain Key: Unlocking the God Code to Reveal Divine Messages Hidden in the Bible, author Timothy Smith describes how he discovered the message by cracking a code in Genesis 30:20-24 in the oldest form of the Hebrew Old Testament.

    Smith, an appraiser and restorer of fine art and antiquities, was researching his family history and became intrigued by the Torah after learning that his matriarchal ancestors were in fact Sephardic Jews, and early Christians of Jewish decent. He said in a statement that he was drawn to the specific passages in Genesis because of parallels between descriptions of the family of Jacob, known as the father of the House of Israel, and his own family.

    Smith assessed the passages using an equidistant letter skip decryption method inspired by the Hebrew spelling of his name (the nine-letter Timotheus). He discovered not only his own name, but also biographical information that reflected other members of his family

    As he reviewed the passage in Genesis using the code, Smith found details about the birth, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus. He also identified references to religious images, including the Rocio Madonna, clues to the location of the contents of the Ark of the Covenant, and warnings of the spread of anti-Semitism, hate, and violence.

    Smith's research methods and conclusions have been reviewed by experts, including Dr. Robert Jahn, dean emeritus of engineering at Princeton University, and Dr. Eugene Ulrich, chief editor of the Biblical Dead Sea Scrolls and professor of Hebrew Scripture and Theology at University of Notre Dame.

    "Never before have so many high-level language and scientific experts agreed that the encrypted structures we have detected in this section of the Hebrew text, and the other structures logically predicted from this key code, are a very deliberate attempt by the Author of the pre-Christian text to make 'contact.' No other published 'Bible code' discoveries impress us in this way," Smith says.

    The Chamberlain Key takes readers through Smith's journey of discovery, including his personal account of the spiritual experiences that inspired him to pursue his research into the Torah.

    In addition, a history documentary series about the book and Smith's story are in production and scheduled to air within the year.

    For more information, visit http://chamberlainkey.com.

    Ref: God - in Blogs
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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - Well, actually, it's both … the charm of hummingbirds is most certainly apropos and "a charm" of hummingbirds is actually factual! Yep, that's right, the collective noun for these unique creatures - just like a gaggle of geese or a flock of birds, is a charm of hummingbirds. Since the definition of the noun 'charm' is "the power of giving delight or arousing admiration," one doesn't need to be a wordsmith to see how right that is.

    Hummingbirds are charming.

    And there are over 330 varieties of the species, Trochilidae, which is their biological family name and they're found in the Western Hemisphere. When one sees a hummingbird, it's a stunning, stop-in-your-tracks sight. Their brilliant throat color is actually a result of the iridescence in the arrangement of their feathers, not color pigment. Light level, moisture, angle of viewing and other factors all influence just how bright and colorful their throats may appear. Perhaps you've heard them, too - the name hummingbird comes from the buzzing sound of their fast-flapping wings.

    Hummers are migrant birds, so although many stay close to the Equator, lots of varieties travel this time of year, so there may be a 'charm' coming to your backyard soon. If you have the desire to see one up close or are curious about how to attract them to your yard, the folks at Cole's Wild Bird Feed Co have got you covered. First, they figured out the engineering of an elegant, deceptively simple, easy-to-use (and easy-to-clean!) feeder. The patented Hummer High Rise has a clever design that offers a stress-free position for your charming guests to get their fill, a fantastic 360-degree vista, all the while keeping other unwanted creatures at bay.

    For example there's an ant moat that stops the armies of industrious workers who'd love to get some sweet nectar, from beating a path to the liquid food. The genius is, it's an actual moat, with nothing but H2O keeping the ants at bay, so while it does its job, it doesn't do harm. Nice!

    A charm magnet.

    The second definition for the noun 'charm' is a small ornament worn on a necklace or bracelet. Hummingbirds weigh on average the same as a nickel, so while you'll want to wear a replica from the jewelers, Hummers can be your own garden's jewelry all season long.

    And in return for their arousing your admiration, they'll feed on those annoying garden insects and pests. For their small size, hummers eat a lot. They are voracious eaters, feeding on mosquitos, gnats, spiders, aphids and other six-legged creepy crawlers. But, besides pests for protein, their primary 'food group' is nectar, which they get in by flitting from flower to flower and using their long beaks and equally long tongues to get their fill. All that flitting is exhausting!

    Since hummingbirds drink up to half their body weight a day of nectar you can help them out by keeping your High Rise fully stocked, for a one-stop fill of their favorite nectar treat.

    Let's not leave out the definition of the verb, "charm," which is to "delight greatly." If you want these Disney-esque caricatures to delight you on a regular basis with their wonder - and bring their distinctive song to your yard - there is something you can buy: the creme-de la creme of what these charmers crave: Nature's Garden from Cole's.

    By identifying and harnessing the nutrients of the hummer's favorite wildflowers, and tapping their vast store of wild bird knowhow, Cole's has created the next-best-thing to actual flower nectar - a proprietary formula that's far and away a cut above your 'garden-variety' sugar water. Nature's Garden is a healthy, all-natural alternative to homemade syrup, no mixing and no boiling required. It comes in an eco-friendly soft pouch; just shake and pour. You'll be delighted with how easy it is to keep your hummer feeder filled and overjoyed at seeing hummers frequent your yard. Your neighborhood hummingbirds will love it, so they'll keep coming back.

    A brief postscript: a natural predator to the hummingbird is the praying mantis. Despite their equally small size and saintly appearance, they feed on our fascinating feathered friends and are a real threat (and a protected species), so if you find a mantis hanging around your High Rise, take care to evict it gently, to a lower piece of real estate and keep hummers safe.

    Ref: Camping - in Blogs
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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - Americans may read thrillers and watch adventure movies, but their days aren't exactly fueled by pure adrenaline. They work, drive the kids to soccer practice, eat dinner, watch HBO -- but those with a handheld GPS can satisfy their thirst for adventure through modern day treasure hunts, or geocaching.

    Geocaching is a global treasure-hunting game. Someone hides an item, uses a GPS to determine its coordinates, and then posts the information online. Geocache-seekers then use their own GPS units to track down the geocache, usually a box or a small item and a logbook.

    The game sounds deceptively simple. While geocachers know the items' coordinates, reaching them might require a workout -- some locations require hiking and climbing, for example. Also, GPS units only take geocachers within 10 to 15 feet of the geocache, which is hidden to avoid accidental discovery by "Muggles" -; those uninitiated in the ways of geocaching.

    Geocaching.com, the largest Web site for geocachers to announce new geocaches and log their successes, lists over 1,000,000 geocaches in over 200 countries.

    The game has become so popular that GPS manufacturers are starting to design handheld GPS units specifically for geocaching. For example, the Magellan eXplorist GC (www.magellangps.com) includes a seamless connection to geocaching.com, a sunlight-readable color screen and a simple user interface to make geocaching a breeze. The unit is waterproof and comes pre-loaded with the coordinates of the most popular geocaches in the world. The GPS chipset promises 3-meter accuracy.

    Of course, the eXplorist GC also comes with standard outdoor features, including waypoint creation, a worldwide basemap, active tracking and a trip odometer.

    When geocachers find a geocache, they write their name in the logbook or exchange one of the items in the cache for one of equal value. Then they put the cache back in its original location, so other treasure-seekers can enjoy the thrill of the chase and, perhaps, discover a place previously unknown to them.

    For more information about the eXplorist GC, visit www.magellangps.com/eXploristGC/.

    Ref: Hiking - in Blogs
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    Aric Feeney Aric_Feeney

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    Vanessa Leannon Vanessa_Leannon

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    Rebecca Ebert Rebecca_Ebert

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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - It's no surprise that parents today seek books that will delight, engage, and educate their children. However, some parents are seeing gaps in the available options of topics they want to share with their children. To combat this, there is a growing trend of parents who have taken matters into their own hands and turned to self-publishing to fill these holes themselves.

    Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) from Amazon is one self-publishing option that offers editorial freedom and ease of use for busy parents looking to create something that meets their kids' needs.

    KDP success stories include Handeep Dhoot (who writes as "Dr. Dhoot"), a mom with a Ph.D. in chemistry who wanted to introduce her young daughter to STEM topics.

    Dr. Dhoot has self-published the growing Tinker Toddler series of STEM books aimed at young children, including Machine Learning for Babies & Toddlers.

    "Becoming a parent helped me realize the urgency for introducing scientific topics, like STEM, to kids while their brains are still developing. KDP allowed me to self-publish books that portray these ideas in an accurate and digestible way for kids, including my own daughter."

    Gabi Garcia, a long-time school counselor and mom, turned to self-publishing when she saw a lack of books for Spanish-speaking and bilingual children about how to understand their emotions and feelings.

    "It's so important to engage with children early to discuss mindfulness. Self-publishing on KDP empowered me to take all that I'd learned and seen as a school counselor and make it accessible to more children, in both English and Spanish."

    She has published several books on these topics through KDP, including Listening to My Body, published in both English and Spanish. She now writes full-time on mindfulness and social awareness topics for children, parents, and educators.

    Brendan Kelso struggled with dyslexia as a child, but found learning and performing dramatic monologues helpful. He enjoyed Shakespeare, but, like many young readers, found the text hard to understand.

    After a career in engineering, he became a stay-at-home dad and came up with an idea to write versions of Shakespeare's plays that were more accessible to kids. His loveof theater and writing led him to self-publish several works through KDP, starting with Shakespeare's Hamlet for Kids.

    "I have the freedom to spend more time with my family, while pursuing my passion on my own terms with KDP."

    These parents have been able to create the books they couldn't find for kids and found financial success - and sometimes a whole new career - in the process.

    For those parents who are toying with self-publishing, but still have questions, consider this:

    * KDP lets authors set their own prices and retain all rights to their work.

    * As an author, you can publish your book in minutes, and these books are available to a worldwide audience through Kindle online stores in 24-48 hours.

    * You can publish Kindle eBooks and paperbacks in multiple languages.

    Visit kdp.amazon.com for more information about Kindle Direct Publishing.

    Ref: Encouraging - in Blogs
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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - When it comes to getting fit, many consider cardio exercise the best solution. But strength training is also an essential part of any comprehensive exercise routine. Strength training can boost cardio health, burn calories and fat and put you on the fasttrack for fitness success.

    It's no surprise that strength training was listed as a top fitness trend for both men and women by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). It's also a key step towards improving quality of daily life -- whether that's countering long hours spent at a desk job or staying active with the family.

    "Everyone can benefit enormously from strength training," says celebrity trainer and Bowflex Fitness Advisor Tom Holland. "Muscle helps our bodies work optimally, providing us with functional strength and the ability to perform daily activities with ease."

    Here are some easy ways to add some strength training into your exercise routine:

    * Commit to a regular routine, and build from there. If you are new to strength training, consider lighter weights and fewer repetitions to get started. You can challenge yourself with larger increments and higher repetitions as you progress. "Success in strength training is all about overloading the muscle with precise weight and progressing appropriately," Holland says.

    * Use equipment, or keep it simple. Equipment such as kettle bells, dumbbells and medicine balls are all great options. For example, the Bowflex SelectTech 552 dumbbells (www.bowflexselecttech.com) replace 15 sets of weights with a space-saving design -- adjustable from 5 to 52.5 pounds at the turn of a dial. If you don't have easy access to weights, or want to start off simple, everyday objects, such as a frozen water bottle or cans of soup, can be used as substitutes.

    * Get back to the basics with functional fitness. Functional fitness focuses on strength and bodyweight training exercises to improve balance, develop muscle and condition our bodies. Basic exercises, such as squats or sit-ups, mimic movements used in daily life. Another option to keep your body tuned to daily activities is walking. You might not be ready for a 5k walk, but a machine like the Bowflex TreadClimber (www.treadclimber.com) can help you get started by combining the motions of a treadmill, a stair climber and an elliptical.

    * Fuel your strength training with protein. "Protein is essential to building lean muscle," says Holland. One easy solution is a protein shake or smoothie. For example, the new Bowflex Body (www.bowflexbody.com) nutrition line includes fitness shakes that provide a 15-gram punch of protein and essential vitamins for only 125 calories.

    Ref: Body Building - in Blogs
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    Vanessa Leannon Vanessa_Leannon

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