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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - When business giants Target, Home Depot and Sony got hacked, and personal information was compromised, data security, once again, became a hot topic and household word.

    Sure, you know you need to do more to shield your identity, but let's face it, you can only do so much to protect yourself, and even that is reliant on other people or companies. Unfortunately, these same entities can clearly be careless.

    When people aren't careful, the Internet can become a playground for criminal activity. Whether you're checking your email, banking information or doing some online shopping, you have already put yourself at risk of having your identity stolen.

    Criminals have developed several ways to obtain personal data from innocent Internet users. According to the United States Department of Justice, cyber criminals can take over an individual's identity to conduct a wide range of crimes. Criminals like to make fraudulent withdrawals from bank accounts because victims usually don't become aware of the criminal activity until substantial and irreversible damage has already been done.

    Enter Gabriel, a set of secure communication apps derived from a U.S. Department of Defense project and created by VirnetX, an Internet security software and technology company.

    Gabriel transmits information using automatic virtual private networks with military-grade encryption. Think Cryptograms.

    "Gabriel has been designed and built with personal privacy and security as a foundational principle," says Dr. Robert Short, VirnetX Chief Technical Officer and Chief Scientist. "As a result, Gabriel provides uncompromising data security? users do not have to transmit data to, or store data with, any third party, including VirnetX. Users can therefore rest easy that their data is stored only on their devices."

    Other benefits from using Gabriel include:

    * Making free voice or video calls or sending instant messages to other Gabriel members in your network.

    * Receiving spamless e-mail.

    * Allowing for person-to-person messages that disappear once the session has ended.

    * Sharing pictures or files with other trusted Gabriel users in your network directly from your personal device.

    All of the above is done with other members of your network with the assurance that the transmissions are secured with end-to-end encryption.

    Simply put, Gabriel makes your online communications invisible. Think of it this way: if the bad guys can't see you, they can't attack you.

    Gabriel is free to try. For more information, please visit www.gabrielsecure.com.

    Ref: Computers - in Blogs
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    Aric Feeney Aric_Feeney

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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - "To shave strokes from your golf game, the only equipment you need is a good eraser."

    Although this phrase is uttered jokingly by many golfers, recreational golfers who've reached their plateau have had very few other options, until now.

    "If recreational golfers insist on following the rules used by the PGA Tour, there's little they can do to immediately improve their game," says John Hoeflich, executive director, of the United States Recreational Golf Association (USRGA). "However, if they play by USRGA rules, they do have the option to switch to better equipment."

    The USRGA is the official organization that governs recreational golf. Its rules allow the use of higher-performance golf equipment. Hoeflich estimates that more than half of U.S. golfers agree with the USRGA rules that permit equipment that "puts fun back in the game, speeds up play and helps achieve better scores."

    Callaway Golf started the recreational equipment movement in 2000 with the ERC II driver. Now Polara Golf is advancing the movement with its Advantage driver and Ultimate Straight golf balls -- both engineered to eclipse the PGA limits, which means you can't play them in the Masters or U.S. Open.

    David Felker, chief technology officer for Polara Golf, explains, "Our drivers and balls are not intended for the top amateur players and professionals. We purposely designed equipment that exceeds the performance limits accepted by the PGA Tour, so that recreational golfers can experience less frustration, score lower and have more fun."

    A 2012 Google consumer survey revealed that 63 percent of respondents would consider using golf equipment that provides a performance advantage. This sentiment is shared by the PGA of America president, Ted Bishop, who says, "I think anything we can do to relax the rules, if it means putting non-conforming equipment in the hands of players that enable them to hit the ball higher and farther and enjoy the game more -- what's the problem?"

    According to the National Golf Foundation, golf rounds have fallen by 8 percent since 2007, largely due to the frustrations of the game, excessive play times and high costs.

    "The technology now exists to make golf more pleasurable for everyone," says Felker. "Who doesn't want to have more fun?"

    For more information, visit www.polaragolf.com and www.usrga.org.

    Ref: Golf - in Blogs
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    Vanessa Leannon Vanessa_Leannon

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    Hakuchou Hakuchou
    Hakuchou has been a leading wedding store in business for 20 years, serving happy clients worldwide for all their wedding needs. Come to see us for chat before you buy anything elsewhere. You'll see why!

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    Vanessa Leannon Vanessa_Leannon

    41 0

    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - We live in an age of new mobility, where the landscape of our digital life is expanding and evolving at unprecedented speed. Wireless connectivity has spread from computers and smartphones to cars, homes and cities, and it's simplifying and improving our way of living.

    The rise of "smart" objects and machines powered by machine-to-machine (M2M) technology has been a huge catalyst for the Internet of Things -- a web of connected objects and devices that communicate with one another to make life easier. The automotive industry is leading the way forward with more than 23 million connected cars on the road today and projections for 152 million by 2020.

    Connected cars enhance our lives with rich services, including advanced 3D navigation, automatic emergency calling when accidents occur and always-on mobile WiFi. They can automatically exchange information with other smart objects, such as traffic lights, to help reduce road congestion and improve navigation. They can also direct drivers to the nearest open parking spot and turn on the heat and stereo system before arriving home.

    The possibilities are exciting and limited only by our ability to securely manage wireless service plans for the long life of vehicles and smart city solutions.

    Until recently, updating connected car systems was costly and time-consuming, requiring a visit to a dealership to change electronic components embedded under the dashboard. Consumers will soon be able to securely update wireless features and even add new vehicles or smart home devices to existing mobile service plans via a mobile device app or website visit. The new "on-demand connectivity" solution makes it much easier to adopt new technology or instantly take advantage of special offers without additional service contracts or monthly invoices.

    "In an increasingly connected world, it is vital to remove barriers for growth," said Gemalto Vice President Juan Lazcano. "On Demand Connectivity allows people to easily manage their connected devices while helping mobile network operators improve service offerings and customer loyalty. It's a win-win scenario."

    The best part is Gemalto's solution adds a layer of data security that ensures personal information is protected when service plan updates are made. This allows all of us to trust in the connected cars and smart cities of the future. For more information, visit www.gemalto.com/iot.

    Ref: Cars - in Blogs
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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - You probably don't think much about the fate of old, worn-out uniforms from restaurants, stores, healthcare facilities, sports teams, and other industries. But the fact is that many end up in landfills. However, one company is doing its part to lessen this carbon footprint by repurposing these old uniforms into new.

    Eco Tek 360, a forward-thinking fiber technology company and a division of Global Fiber Technologies, Inc. a public company, (GFTX), has developed a proprietary technology that removes the fibers from fabrics that have reached the end of their useful life cycle. The fibers are extracted from a landfill-destined garment and used to create yarn, make new fabric, and then get sewn into fabric which is turned into "rejuvenated" uniforms. Each time the uniform comes back to the client, the process creates a true circular economy and reduces carbon footprints.

    "It takes between 500 to 700 gallons of water to grow one pound of cotton and Eco Tek 360 can help save billions of gallons each year through utilization of its patent- pending process," says Chris Giordano, president and co-chairman of Global Fiber Technologies.

    "We will take corporate uniforms at the end of their useful life that would otherwise head for disposal and re-purpose them back to the same company as sustainable, high quality uniforms for their employees," says Giordano.

    "Our primary raw material is sourced from uniforms being disposed of by our corporate clients, allowing us to be competitive on price," says Paul Serbiak Global's CEO.

    There are three steps to the ECOTEK process:

    - Recovery: Companies collect old uniforms and send them to Ecotek. Customers earn a credit towards new uniform purchases.

    - Rejuvenation: Rejuvenation is the heart of the Ecotek philosophy. The company uses a patented procedure to remove old fiber from fabric, restore it, and create new fabric. The rejuvenated fiber is soft, strong, and comfortable, and looks like new.

    - Re-creation: The fabric made from the rejuvenated fiber is then used to make new uniforms.

    "The entire process takes place in the USA, ensuring fair labor practices and extremely high quality standards," according to the company. Ecotek will offer customized design in large and small batches with quick turnaround times.

    Buying uniforms made with rejuvenated fibers not only saves water and energy, it saves money, and allows employees to feel proud and look great with options for customized style and sizing.

    Surveys show that a majority of entry-level employees prefer to work for an environmentally friendly company and more than half of consumers prefer to buy from companies with a green reputation.

    For more information about how your company can go greener and look great doing it, visit https://globalfibertechnologies.com/ecotek-360

    Ref: Business - in Blogs
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    Vanessa Leannon Vanessa_Leannon

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