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Meeting Invitation

    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - With people more focused on wellness and nutrition these days, interest in a plant-based diet is hotter than ever. One easy way to get in on the trend: Pair summer produce with simple ingredients like pecans for a dish the whole family will enjoy.

    Pecans are a versatile ingredient and are naturally sweet with a rich and crunchy texture. As each one-ounce serving of the nuts offers three grams of fiber and protein, essential vitamins, minerals and heart-healthy benefits, pecans also happen to be one of the tastiest ways to elevate the nutrition of any recipe.

    In fact, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, scientific evidence suggests, but does not prove, that eating 1.5 ounces per day of most nuts - including pecans - as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease. A one-ounce serving of pecans has 18g unsaturated fat and only 2g saturated fat.

    Add a sweet and nutritious crunch to this Mediterranean Pecan Pasta Salad, or swap meat for Grilled Cauliflower Steaks with a nutty and nutritious pecan pesto.

    Discover more delicious recipes at AmericanPecan.com.

    Ref: Food - in Blogs
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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - Sponsored News - It seems as if there is nothing a smartphone can't do these days. It can get you where you want to go (most of the time), you can make reservations at your favorite restaurant, and now you can use it to detect whether your home is leaking energy or water.

    Thermal imaging, a once-costly technology, available only to the military and police or firefighters, is now just a finger-swipe away with the right attachment to your smartphone, thanks to Seek Thermal, a California-based technology company.

    The way it works is this: the Seek Compact Camera (which is smaller than a credit card swiper for your phone) attaches to your smartphone, turning it into a thermal imager that can then identify hot and cold spots in your house. After downloading a free app, the camera begins working in seconds and homeowners can then easily spot energy loss in the home caused by air leaks, missing or damaged insulation, insufficient HVAC or poor construction. In addition, the thermal imaging camera can also find water in roofs, walls, doors, and window frames.

    According to one user who tested the Seek camera at the end of winter in his own home, the results were "stunning."

    "Within minutes, I was able to detect sources of heat leaking out of my house," he says. "Some of these places are easy to fix, while others would be quite difficult."

    For professional contractors, the Seek CompactPRO is a must-have because the camera has enough sensitivity to locate radiant heating pipes under concrete slabs, identify unsealed insulation gaps in roofs, walls, and door and window frames, and find out how far water has spread in the case of a leak.

    Thinking of buying a home? This little jewel could save you all kinds of unexpected surprises in the form of water leaks in the basement and behind finished walls, and roof leaks that may have been painted over by a homeowner trying to disguise a problem.

    To protect your investment (both the camera and your phone), the Seek Compact has a compatible module for the OtterBox uniVERSE Case System.

    The smartphone attachment is designed to work with both iPhone and Android top models.

    For more information, please visit www.thermal.com.

    Ref: Awesome - in Blogs
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    GalaxyCrew GalaxyCrew
    GalaxyCrew is a leading boutique for everything related to watches. Be it gala, sport, luxury, and ultra-luxury, we've got you covered. We have stores in every country in the world. Visit us to try out your next watch.

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    We're looking for influencers in order to grow our customer base. We need you to post a permanent story to show our watches and brand name to your followers. We'll send you $1000.00, or 100,000 gift-points once the post is done. If you're interested, simply say you're Interested in a comment below this post.


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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - Now more than ever, building relationships is important to small businesses so they can compete in the global marketplace.

    The Smart Money Network is a community of digital marketing experts whose mission is to support entrepreneurs as they grow their businesses, especially in the new and increasingly online economy.

    Having a partner to navigate the field of digital marketing can help small businesses get the edge they need. The Smart Money Network collaborates with small business clients and coaches them on how to engage a target audience with the right message at the right time, using a combination of digital tools and the power of persuasion.

    The Collaboration Starts with A Conversation.

    "Conversation is the seed of opportunity," according to the Smart Money Network website. Experts work with small business owners and entrepreneurs to find and build relationships with their target audiences using social media platforms such as LinkedIn, then deploy tried-and-true principles of persuasion that convert to new business opportunities.

    Author Robert Cialdini describes six principles of persuasion in his book, "Influence - The Psychology of Persuasion." These principles include the concepts of scarcity (making your product or service seem more desirable), reciprocity (using small favors to entice), likability (pleasantness can go a long way), consensus (word of mouth that others use your product or service), consistency (customers need to feel they can count on what you say you will deliver), and authority (make sure you support your products or services with facts about your experience and credentials).

    These principles can be applied in the world of digital marketing, which is becoming increasingly essential in the post-COVID-19 entrepreneurial environment. More people are spending more time online, and learning how to grab the attention of potential clients can help businesses flourish.

    Smart Money Network creates intentional done-for-you social media campaigns that position clients as authoritative and credible resources, and drives up to 30 new business opportunities a month.

    According to Smart Money Founder and CEO Mike Harris, "You only have about three seconds to capture someone's attention and give them enough information to determine whether you are worth connecting with."

    Visit smartmoneynetwork.net to learn more about how to make the digital connections that can boost your business.

    Ref: Finance - in Blogs
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    Shauna Castorena whiskeychickofficial
    I’m doing it. I am finally calling out something that bothers the **** out of me in country music, and that is Dump Truck Country Marketing. Why is it that one of the best songwriters in modern country music, Miss Lainey Wilson, has to market on the strength and size of her ample posterior instead of just getting credit for the music that she makes? Why is it Priscilla Block had to immediately be the first to pick on herself through songs like “Thick Thighs Save Lives” in order to be taken seriously on any stage?

    These women are unfortunately forced to pick on themselves or accept the image they’re being sold as for the very reason that society might discourage them from gaining any kind of celebrity, and that is their ample rears. Their voluminous posteriors seem to be the focus of all their press releases, of all their news coverage, and quite honestly, I’m sick of it. Now, I’m a fan of a nice, round rear, but I don’t understand what that has to do with the music you make other than if you fall on your ***, it might not hurt as much. When are we going to stop marketing bodies and start marketing music again? I’m all for body positivity, but this is a pain in MY ***.

    The sexualization and objectification of women in the music industry have been an ongoing issue for years. Despite the industry’s progress towards body positivity and female empowerment, there are still remnants of antiquated marketing tactics that prioritize the physical appearance of female artists over their musical abilities.
    Read the rest at CountryMusicNewsBlog
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    Ramiro Williamson Ramiro_Williamson

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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - DigiTrax Entertainment, a pioneer in the music technology industry, brings its artificial intelligence (AI) expertise to the popular hip-hop segment.

    With the introduction of KR38R Beats, a unique AI product specifically geared to the hip-hop artist, DigiTrax recognizes the importance of hip-hop music and how it is a great fit for AI technology. The company has paired with Spotlite, a popular and established singing performance app, to create "Rapping with the Robot," a contest for aspiring hip-hop artists.

    The contest is scheduled to begin on Thanksgiving Day and end on New Year's Eve.

    Prizes include an all-expenses-paid recording session, with professional production and distribution across all major platforms.

    "We focused our AI on the most relevant segment of music in today's streaming economy," says Joe Vangieri, CEO of DigiTrax Entertainment.

    "Hip-hop beats comprise one out of every three streams, and generate billions in revenue."

    The KR38R Beats product is based on the Music Builder program, DigiTrax's unique and innovative technology that helps artists harness the power of artificial intelligence. Artists can feed ideas into the program, which then serves as a composing partner and allows them to create more songs more quickly.

    Spotlite is a free, direct-to-fan singing app designed to allow amateur and professional vocalists to sing original music, covers, and karaoke across all musical genres.

    "As a fan, you used to go out and buy CDs to support your favorite artist," says Juan Munoz, general manager of Spotlite Media.

    "With the change in how fans ingest content, Spotlite has not only allowed fans a new way to directly support their favorite artists, but the fans become the tastemakers. Through our contests, fans tell us who should truly be recognized for their talent," he explains.

    Other benefits of using artificial intelligence in creating original hip-hop music include greater profitability and protection for the users under copyright law.

    "Because we own both the publishing and the sound recording that our AI has written," Vangieri explains, "this gives us free reign to fully exploit both sides of a song - the publishing and the sound recording."

    DigiTrax plans to introduce several more contests in 2019 to showcase the way its technology is transforming how music is created and enjoyed.

    For more information about the company and its future business goals, go to digitraxentertainment.com.

    Ref: Bands - in Blogs
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    Millie Zemlak Millie_Zemlak
    (NewsUSA) - How much will I need for my kid's college education? And how the heck will I pay for it?

    With the cost of a four-year degree rising nearly eight times faster than wages since the 1980s, those two questions are enough to give today's parents a serious case of night sweats. You can argue about the reasons for the disconnect -Administrative costs? Fancy amenities? - but you know there's a problem when a writer at Education Week is incensed.

    "Madness," she decried.

    Which is all the more reason to mark May 29 down on your calendar.

    Otherwise known as National 529 College Savings Plan Day -Get it? 5/29? - it's the perfect time to consider setting up one those tax-advantaged 529 plans, as they're called, to help sock money away to cover tuition, books and other education-related expenses at most accredited two - and four-year colleges, universities and vocational-technical schools.

    "It's a way of keeping your son or daughter from being saddled with too much debt when it's time to jump start their careers," explained Melissa Ridolfi, vice president of retirement and college products at Fidelity Investments. "Plus, any investment earnings compound on a tax-deferred basis, and qualified withdrawals are entirely free from federal and state income taxes."

    And now to the big question: How much?

    Two factors are mainly at play:

    * Public vs. private schools. The cost difference can be about as mind-boggling as "Avengers: Endgame's" record $357.1 million opening weekend domestic haul: an average of $21,370 a year at the former, according to the College Board's latest figures, as opposed to $48,510 at the latter.

    * The percentage of the bill you plan to foot. If you were counting on scholarships and other grants to pick up all or most of the tab, you should probably rethink that unless your kid is either a bona fide child prodigy or football star. Sallie Mae's "How America Pays for College" 2018 report found that both categories combined paid for just 28 percent of college costs.

    One guess where 47 percent of the costs came from. That's right, "family income and savings," with another 24 percent covered by borrowing.

    In other words, as Ridolfi said, "any way you look at it, the family is on the hook to pay the lion's share of college expenses." Which probably helps explain why a recent Fidelity study found that parents are increasingly starting to save before their child even reaches the age of two.

    To see where you stand, try using what Fidelity calls "the college savings 2K rule of thumb." Simply multiply your child's current age by $2,000 to figure whether your savings to date are generally on track to handle approximately 50 percent of the College Board's $21,370-a-year average cost of attending a four-year public college.

    Or, especially if you want a more customized estimate - one that lets you play around with percentages and switch back and forth between public and private schools - the firm's free online college savings calculator takes the angst out of doing the math yourself.

    Fidelity provides 12 savings ideas to help reach your own goal, and offers a choice of two different investment strategies in the 529 savings plans it manages - including an age-based portfolio of funds that automatically becomes more conservative as the beneficiary nears college age.

    Hopefully, armed with all that info, you'll be sleeping better at night.

    Ref: Family - in Blogs
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    Amy Christie amy_christie

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